Japanese style Music & sword dance team
LADY SAMURAI'S CHAOS(レディサムライズ・ケイオス)は、和楽器奏者を含むバンド+剣舞パフォーマーの編成で唯一無二の和風エンターテイメントショウを行う、KAO=Sプロデュースによる、音楽とパフォーマンスの混成チーム。
4月にスペインのフェス・Salon Del Manga cultura y japonesa、8月にドイツのMain Matsuri Festivalに8〜10人の編成で出演し、大好評を博す。
11月には東京のSHIBUYA PLEASURE PLEASUREにて20人編成でのショウ「TOKYO 和 CHAOS」を行った。12月にはザ・リッツカールトン東京で開催されたCRETA社のイベントでもパフォーマンスを行った。
2023年に入り「LADY SAMURAI'S CHAOS」の名で正式に活動開始。
同年元旦より、サウジアラビアのリヤドで開催の巨大イベント"JAPAN ANIME TOWN RIYADH SEASON"にて、10人編成のメンバーで七日間連続でショウを行った。
music by KAO=S
LADY SAMURAI'S CHAOS is Japanese style entertainment team mixed with the KAO=S band including Japanese instrumentalists, sword dance performers and dancers.
LADY SAMURAI'S CHAOS is produced by Kaori and Shuji of the rock duo KAO=S.
They are the only regular members.
LADY SAMURAI'S CHAOS shows are created each time with various members joining them. LADY SAMURAI Kaori is in charge of stage direction for sword dance, sword fighting, and dance, while Shuji is in charge of music composition and organization.
Their show includes Kaori's solo sword dance, sword team fighting and dancing with instrumental rock music, spectacular music, pop vocal songs with Japanese instrumentalists.
Their stage is a special one with a theme of Japanese style and chaos and keeps the audience enthralled, moved and cheering the whole time.
Beginning in 2022, KAO=S began a collaborative show of sword dance performers.
They performed at Salon Del Manga cultura y japonesa in Spain in April and at the Main Matsuri Festival in Germany in August, both of which were enthusiastically received by the crowds.
In November, they gave a special performance "TOKYO Wa CHAOS" in Tokyo.
Entering the year 2023, the group officially started its activities under the name "LADY SAMURAI'S CHAOS.
Starting January 1, the 10-member group will perform at the huge event "JAPAN ANIME TOWN RIYADH SEASON" in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.