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ギター基調のサウンドに和楽器を導入し、男女ツインボーカルを打ち出した音楽性と、川渕による日本刀剣舞を取り入れたダイナミックなショウで瞬く間に注目され、結成から数ヶ月後には世界最大の音楽見本市、サウス・バイ・サウスウェスト(SXSW MUSIC FESTIVAL)に出演し、続くアメリカツアーも大好評のうちに終えた。

2013年、再びSXSWに出演後、NIPPON CONNECTION (ドイツ)、JAPAN UNDERGROUND (イギリス)、JAPAN EXPO PARIS (フランス)でライブを敢行。2014年には米CNNインターナショナル局番組「The Art of Movement」の取材を受け、〝芸術性の高い日本のバンド〟として全世界に紹介された。以降、海外での公演が増加し、中国・ブラジルパラグアイスペインのフェスや国交行事で演奏し、高い評価を得ている。

国内では、WWW、Star Pine's Cafe 、Shibuya pleasure preasure等の都内の会場を中心にライブ活動を行う他、各省庁の行事や式典での演奏・ミュージカルへの出演等、幅広い層へのアピールで注目度を高める。


以降、海外では、Splore Festival (2018,ニュージーランド) Main Matsuri Festival (2018~2022, ドイツ)、Asia Comic Con (2019, マレーシア) 、China Dream Festival (2019, 中華人民共和国内モンゴル自治区)、Salon Del Manga cultura y japonesa (2017・2022 スペイン)などのフェステバルに出演。


ドイツの「MAIN MATSURI」にはテーマ曲「結う」を提供し、開催地のフランクフルトでは2020年に単独ホール公演を開催しソールドアウトの大盛況で終えた。


音楽ユニットとしてのKAO=Sとしての活動だけでなく、唯一無二の和風エンターテインメントショウを行う集団「LADY SAMURAI'S CHAOS」として各国各地での公演も展開する。

English profile

​【About KAO=S】

KAO=S is Japanese art rock duo formed by KAORI "LADY SAMURAI" KAWABUCHI (Vocal / Sword dance), and composer SHUJI YAMAGIRI(Guitar/Vocal). 


They formed to create a new style of Japanese music and show from the chaos following 2011 big earthquake in Japan. 

The pronunciation of KAO=S (kəɔs) comes from the Japanese pronunciation of chaos, and the spelling of it means the creation of Kaori and Shuji.


Their music is based on guitar rock tones, arranged with Japanese instruments, and has a wide range of musical styles, including progressive instrumental rock songs and twin-vocal songs by Kaori and Shuji.


Kaori is also a sword dancer, actress and motion capture performer and she not only sings in her shows but also performs powerful and beautiful sword dances.Their show features Japanese elements scattered throughout, twin vocals, and expressions with whole body by Kaori. They have performed shows in many countries with elements of artistry, ethnicity, rock and spectacle.


They perform with variety of styles to express their unique world view. Their shows are sometimes performed by only Kaori and Shuji with backing tracks, sometimes with the addition of Japanese instrumentalists and sword dance performers.


In recent years, they have performed shows in Spain and Germany with an additional formation of sword dance performers, Japanese instrumentalists and dancers, which have been well received.

Kaori and Shuji are creating Japanese style entertainment team.

The special performance team "LADY SAMURAI'S CHAOS" consisting of the rock duo KAO=S, sword dancers, and Japanese instrumentalists will perform shows in various locations.


​【History of KAO=S】


in 2010

Shuji composed "Sakura no Oni" inspired by Kaori's Japanese sword dance. Their first gig was held in Tokyo on December.


in 2011

They added Shamisen Player and formed a trio band KAO=S.


in 2012

They were invited to SXSW music festivals and gained the audience's excitement. The following, six cities US tour (Austin, Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas) was also very successful.


in 2013

As well as appearing on the stage of SXSW for the second time, they performed in Nippon Connection (Germany), Japan Underground (UK) and Japan Expo Paris (France). The 1st album“Monogatari" was released. They had special gig at WWW in Tokyo.


In 2014

CNN international (US) program, Art of Movement, offered them a spot and shot in Tokyo, and they were introduced worldwide.


In 2015

They played in Dalian, China for international cultural interaction purposes. After that, they flew to Sao Paulo, Brazil and performed at Japan and Brazil's 120th anniversary in the Interlagos F1 circuit to energize 10,000 people. Their 2nd Album “Dawn of the Planet Chaos” was released.


In 2016 

They had a successful performance in Asunción, the capital of Paraguay, in front of an audience of 15,000 people at Organizing Committee of Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of Japanese Immigration to Paraguay.


In 2017

They performed in Salon Del Manga cultura y japonesa(Alicante, Spain). 

During the recording 3rd album AMRITA, they became duo formed by only Kaori and Shuji to express music and stages wider. 


In 2018

Their 3rd album“AMRITA”was released. This year's career included a performance at SPLORE FESTIVAL (New Zealand) and Main Matsuri (Frankfurt am Main,Germany). “Yu” which is the theme song of Main Matsuri was released.

They had a solo concert in Shibuya Pleasure Pleasure Hall in Tokyo.

​In 2019

This year's career included a performance at Main Matsuri (Frankfurt am Main,Germany), China Dream (inner Mongolia) and Anime Comic Con (Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia). ​They had a special solo concert with many musicians in Shibuya Pleasure Pleasure Hall in Tokyo again.

In 2020

They had their first solo hall concert in Frankfurt am Main,Germany. It was sold-out and very successful.

Their activities were limited due to covid-19, but they put on 2 solo concerts in Tokyo.

In 2021

They were invited to Main Matsuri (Frankfurt am Main,Germany) and performed as a headliner in each days.

They put on 2 solo concerts in Tokyo.

In 2022

KAO=S performed with Kaori's sword dance team named “LADY SAMURAI'S ” in Salon Del Manga cultura y japonesa (Alicante, Spain) in April. Following that, when they were invited to Main Matsuri (Frankfurt am Main,Germany), KAO=S collaborated with 4 Japanese sword dancers, and some musicians include Japanese traditional instruments. 

This collaborated team was named “ LADY SAMURAI’S IDEAL” and gained the audience's excitement.

The collaboration of music, sword dancers and Japanese instruments is currently being prepared to be called "LADY SAMURAI'S CHAOS".


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